2024(03): Baumgartinger-Seiringer S., Pager B. and Trippl M – Regions in industrial transitions: exploring the uneven geographies of vulnerability, preparedness and responsiveness
2024(02): Gong H. and Truffer B. – Changing from within: the interplay between imaginary, culture and innovation system in regional transformation
2024(01): Chlebna C. and Mattes J. – Regional Transition Fields – How adaptation and delimitation shape regional transition processes
2023(01): Alsheimer S., Schnell T., Chlebna C. & Rohe S. – Competing terms for complementary concepts? Acceptance and legitimacy of low-carbon energy technologies
2022(02): Trippl M., Fastenrath S. & Isaksen A. – Rethinking regional economic resilience: Preconditions and processes shaping transformative resilience
2022(01): Miörner J., Truffer T., Binz C., Heiberg J. & Yap X-S. – Guidebook for applying the Socio-Technical Configuration Analysis method
2021(11): Miörner J., Binz C. and Fuenfschilling L. – Understanding transformation patterns in different socio-technical systems – A scheme of analysis
2021(10): Ferloni A. – Transitions as a coevolutionary process: the urban emergence of electric vehicle inventions
2021(09): Heiberg J. and Truffer B. – The emergence of a global innovation system – a case study from the water sector
2021(08): Miörner J., Heiberg J. and Binz C. – Global regime diffusion in space: a missed transition in San Diego’s water sector
2021(07): Hansmeier H. – Geography of eco-innovations vis-à-vis geography of sustainability transitions: Two sides of the same coin?
2021(06): Hoicka C., Conroy J. and Berka A. – Reconfiguring actors and infrastructure in city renewable energy transitions: a regional perspective
2021(05): Chlebna C., Martin H. and Mattes J. – Grasping transformative regional development from a co-evolutionary perspective – a research agenda
2021(04): Rohe S. and Chlebna C. – The evolving role of networking organizations in advanced sustainability transitions
2021(03): Heiberg J. and Truffer B. – Overcoming the harmony fallacy: How values shape the course of innovation systems
2021(02): Yap X.-S. and Truffer B. – Opportunities and threats of the rapidly developing Space sector on sustainability transitions: Towards a research agenda
2021(01): Tödtling F., Trippl M. and Desch V. – New directions for RIS studies and policies in the face of grand societal challenges